My start in the world of make-believe began with a stick pony.

Tinker toys. Erector sets. My dad's chemistry set. The wholesale destruction of my model airplanes and tanks. The appeal of joining the army was that I'd get the chance to play with military-grade pyrotechnics and explosives. Plus I got to parachute and fly a helicopter.
Back up a bit. Sometime in the sixth grade I got bit by the story bug and for years I was always day-dreaming about my characters and their adventures. Years later I wasn't allowed to graduate college until I got a passing grade in sophomore English. A class in technical writing taught me that writing wasn't about trying to sound smarty-pants but about communicating ideas as succinctly and clearly as possible. Who knew!
So I had a dangerous brew in my head. A story bug plus an appreciation for writing plus a desire for mayhem and violence. All I needed was a catalyst and I was doomed.
Doom came. A certified bookworm, one day I read a book and said to myself, I can write better than this and get published. Then, Ka-Boom! In my head.
Here we are: me with five paperback novels and a graphic novel about everyone's favorite detective-vampire, Felix Gomez. You with curiosity about the University of Doom and our mutual interest in the outrageous. Where you and I get to play God. Ludimus Deus!